Happy Veterans Day to all the veterans including our Papa, Grandpa Ron, and Grandpa Tony! We are all home and spending the day together!
This weekend Julianna had two sleepovers. Friday night it was a birthday party at Bella's house and Saturday night one at Avery's. She had a great time at both parties and was exhausted by Sunday afternoon. Yesterday Julianna brought home an award from Art class. It was an award for behavior- that is 3 awards in only two months of school. She has gotten more awards this year than Jason and I received in our 26 years of school combined. We are very proud of her.

Ansley is doing well. Still not taking a bottle. I thought that we had found the "one" but apparently I was wrong. Saturday I picked up a Nubby cup and tried that- she wasn't interested. We went to a friend's house on Saturday night and tried their Dr. Browns bottles- nope on that one too. Oh, and then on Sunday I picked up a Nuk bottle at Walmart- apparently those aren't like breastfeeding at all!!! Guess we will go straight to a big girl cup at this point. She has been enjoying cereal though. I figure that if I need to go anywhere, Jason can at least fill her up with cereal while I am gone.

Jason and I are doing well (except for fantasy football- don't ask). I have a sinus cold though, and he was sweet and stayed home with me on Monday. Of course the baby was great and practically slept all day. But it was still fun to lounge around the house together.
Oh, in the best news ever- my Grandma Campbell is going to be watching Ansley when I go back to school in January. It all came together last week and I couldn't be happier. I feel so much better knowing that Ansley will be in such good hands! Thanks again Grandma!