Well, honestly, we haven't been too busy to blog, I am just currently addicted to Facebook. The girls in the neighborhood were talking about it, so I checked it out, and now I need some sort of group to help me stop...
The girls are doing really well. Brian, Katie and Megan came down for Thanksgiving and stayed with us. Julianna and Megan had an awesome time hanging out together. They played so well with each other. I wish that they could see each other more often. While they were here they made Christmas ornaments, watched movies, played, and wrestled with their Daddies! Ansley Claire (I think we are going to call her by both) took a bottle from Uncle Bri Bri and from Daddy- we are making progress. Erin and Graham were also in town for Thanksgiving. Erin had an early birthday present for Julianna- a real wedding veil- you can tell by the pics that it was perfect.

Tuesday evening we went to Chuck E. Cheese with Grandma Hazel and Papa. They took Julianna and Mason there for their birthdays. The kids had a great time playing games and eating pizza. They didn't have birthday cake (neither of them like it) so instead they had Krispy Kreme donuts with candles.

Julianna got a report card this week and she had straight S's (that is kind of like straight A's for a kindergartner). We are so proud of her. She really loves school!
Grandpa Allen came over for a little while on Friday and hung out with me and Ansley Claire. We hung out and Ansley Claire almost rolled over!!! Friday evening we went to the neighborhood Christmas party. Santa Claus was there for the kids to see. Julianna and Ansley Claire sat on his lap and Julianna told him that she wanted a diamond necklace for Christmas (no, we aren't high maintenance). Ansley Claire also rolled over for the first time on Friday evening, but I missed it!

Saturday morning I gave the SAT at school. Jason stayed home with the girls and Ansley Claire took a bottle- no fuss, no muss- like she has taken them everyday. Yeah, we are finally there!!! I only have 4 weeks until I go back to work, so that is great news (especially for my grandmother).