I am sorry that I haven't posted in a while, things got busy when I went back to work last week.
We had a great Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve at my parent's house again because I am not quite sure that I am ready to give that up. Santa came and brought Julianna a bike! She has been riding it when the weather permits and doing a great job without her training wheels. Santa brought Ansley some little toys and books. The girls got lots of beautiful clothes from their grandparents. Apparently Grammie has discovered the joy in buying girlie clothes (and I love it). Christmas day we spent time visiting family and enjoying lots of good food and company. I love that even as I get older, the excitement of Christmas doesn't fade.
On the 26th we headed to Ohio to visit our colder family members and to celebrate Christmas with them. We had camp Christmas one night, and the Price family Christmas one night, and had lunch with Grandpa Ron. Last year there were no "babies" in Ohio and this year there were babies all over the place. So much fun. Dawson and Julianna had a great time playing together, like always. He is so sweet to listen to everything that she says and not argue! No wonder she is so sad to leave. Ansley and Lauren had a good time getting to know each other. I was hoping that Lauren would tell Ansley about sleeping through the night, but I guess she is keeping that secret. The day that we left (New Year's Eve) it snowed a few inches. Julianna and Dawson had fun playing in it, while we packed up.

We celebrate Christmas with Grandma Fran and Grandpa Ed when we got back into town. The girls were spoiled again with lots of wonderful and thoughtful gifts from them!
I stared back to work last Monday, and waking up was quite a shock to the body! Grandma Campbell has been taking care of Ansley and Julianna after school and the girls seem to love it! Julianna is disappointed in the afternoons when Grandma leaves to go home.
We had a little Panther Party for the playoff game last week. We wore our Panther gear and made a Panther cake (which I now refer to as Looser cake). Grammie and Grandpa came over and we ate dinner and watched the game- at least we had fun getting ready for it.

We did find out that Ansley has baby "acid reflux" which explains the spitting up and fussiness. Dr. Laramie put her on Zantac this week and things have been a lot better. She still isn't sleeping through the night, but she isn't waking up inconsolable either! I hate that we didn't know sooner, and that she was in pain for a while.

Julianna is back in the swing of things and getting smarter than Daddy. She has been reading to us every night. I can't believe how quickly she has picked it up. The ability to read is life changing and I am so excited that she enjoys it. Jason ran into Mrs. Fenimore (Julianna's teacher) this week and she said that "Julianna is wonderful and we should be very proud of her." We are!