Sunday, December 16, 2007

Princesses (and Daddies) on Ice

Today we celebrated Julianna's birthday at the ice skating rink. She had 7 of her friends come, along with Grandpa Ed, Grandma Fran, Diddy, Grammie, Grandma Campbell, and Grandmother Leete. Most of the girls had never been ice skating before so Jason got a good workout this afternoon. He helped the girls get their balance and their confidence up enough to skate on their own by the end of the afternoon. And just to toot his horn, because you know he will toot it anyway- Jason skated for 3 hours and NEVER fell- yes, I married a stud. He dominated ice skating. Julianna had a lot of fun skating with her friends and she even managed to get Grandma Fran and Grandpa Ed out on the ice. All in all- great party, few injuries, and happy faces. Can't beat that.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy 5th Birthday!

Tuesday, Julianna celebrated her 5th birthday!!! We can't believe it. She celebrated her birthday by taking a big cookie cake to school to share with her friends. She was very disappointed when I started cutting the cookie and told her that she was going to have to share- I think that she thought that it was for HER snack!!! After school Grandpa Tony and Grandma Hazel took Julianna and Mason to Chuck-E-Cheese to celebrate their birthdays (Mason's was on Monday). Grandpa said that together they went through 150 tokens!!! We picked her up from Grandma's house and brought her home to open all of her packages from family (when we picked her up Grandma informed us that she had been wearing her princess earrings and Birthday crown-compliments of Amy- all afternoon). She opened so many beautiful and wonderful presents. She loves them all and tries to decide every night which one she will play with for the evening.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Day at the Dentist

Today Julianna had her first dentist appointment. I was a little concerned because I had an appointment at the same time, so I knew that I wouldn't be able to sit with her in the office. I explained to her on the way there what the dentist will do and nervously asked if she was excited, she said "I'm not scared, Dora went to the dentist". Thank God for Dora!
She did a great job while there. She went right back and got in the chair and Judy cleaned her teeth while Goose wore sunglasses (because the lights are so bright- they have never offered me sunglasses). The dentist said that Julianna's teeth looked great and that she was an official member of the "No Cavity Club". She even got her picture put on the bulletin board in the office. Oh, but the big news is that there are 2 loose teeth- the Tooth Fairy may be paying a visit to the Zak house soon!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

She's Creative All Right...

Yesterday we tackled the mall and went Christmas shopping. While we were out Julianna found one of those plastic thingies that goes into a men's dress shirt. She tends to pick up things off the ground wherever we are, calls them treasures and keeps them (last week in AC Moore it was little pieces of garland and broken ornaments at school it is always rocks and nuts). We asked her what she was planning on doing with this newest find and she said that it was a crown. After a couple hours of shopping we got in the car and she began designing her crown with her crayons and stickers that were in the backseat. We were amazed with her creativity. We passed a minivan on the way home with a kid watching a DVD in the backseat and Julianna asked when we were going to get a car like that. We explained to her that if she were always watching tv in the car she would miss out on the fun stuff like making crowns out of treasures that she finds.