Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Nursery

Well, I suppose that the nursery is ready for baby. Last night my dad came over and hung the curtain. A girl from my mom's school actually made all of the bedding and the curtain for the nursery. She did such an amazing job, and it is all one of a kind. Her clothes are all washed and hanging for her. The blankets are all folded and ready. The only thing that we need now is for her to make her appearance. But that should be a few more weeks at least.
I would have never believed this thing about "nesting", but let me tell you, from a woman that is already a little anal retentive, I have never been this bad. I have managed to clean out the linen closet, the junk drawer, the kitchen cabinets, the pantry, the baskets downstairs, prune the rose bushes. Anything that I can get my hands on and clean, but things still aren't perfect. Nor will they ever be. We have just accumulated too much stuff. And I have already realized that even though the baby isn't even here yet, she has accumulated lots of stuff. She has more clothes than Julianna and I combined. Don't worry Goose, we'll go back to school shopping soon!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Baby Update

Well, the update is actually from my last visit which was on the 30th, but all is well. The doctor said that the baby is doing well and that she weighs about 5 pounds- so doc what accounts for the other 20? She is in the 48th percentile- which of course is about average. I am not shooting for a record here- average is just fine, I can plump her up when she gets here. As of today we have exactly a month!!! A month!!! We worked on the nursery this weekend and it looks great. I hope that she likes it as much as we do. We will post pictures of it after we (my Daddy) hangs the curtain. We had a baby shower today and we received lots of beautiful things for baby. We can't wait for her to get here.