Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life's Little Sparklers!!!

Things are about the same around here. Oh, I did gain 2.5 pounds this week. Jason is so sweet about it and says it is good for the baby. Maybe it is, but it isn't good for my butt!!!

We have laid low lately. This past weekend we were really lazy. The weather was cloudy and chilly so we spent a lot of time inside. I guess with all of the down time, Julianna has been very creative and decided that she wants to be a songwriter. The other night I was tucking her into bed and she sang me a song that she made up- it was about kissing a boy (don't tell Jason). I told her that she was really good at writing songs and she said that she wanted to make songs for other kids to sing. How creative is that??? When I was 5 I had no idea that people made up the songs that we sing, and that it was possible that I do that. I am raising a creative genius.

My sister did a sweet thing on her blog that I wanted to share. Life's Little Sparklers!!! Her list was 125 items long, I will just list my top 15:
1. Being called Mommy
2. Being called Aunt Stephie (thanks TT)
3. Having a baby in my belly- and feeling like Christmas everyday
4. Being hopelessly in love with my husband- it is probably the hormones
5. Finding myself becoming more like my mother everyday
6. Having 2 dads that are both amazing in their own and very different way, and both being what I need.
7. Being within 20 minutes of my entire family
8. Oreos (especially the Spring ones)
9. Grandma Campbell's genes
10. Autumn in Charlotte
11. Having a house (bills not included)
12. Worship service at church
13. Law & Order
14. My Grandmother Leete's wisdom
15. My sister's ability to see sparkle in everything!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wild Weekend

We had the most fun weekend with Papa, Nanny, Aunt TT, and Dawson visiting. The weather in Charlotte was perfect, so we enjoyed the parks, playing outside and taking walks. Since spending the weekend with her cousin, Julianna has decided that she would like a brother. I would be happy either way- but if I had a little boy like Dawson, I would be thrilled. He is so much fun!!! Here are some pictures from our weekend. We look forward to them visiting again, although Uncle J would like Dawson to be potty trained first!
Hard to believe that this time next year, we will have 2 more to fit in the picture!!!

He is a big boy- he has options!!!

How sweet is this...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Are You a Hot Girl?

According to my daughter, I can't be because I am preggers!!! But to all of you that have hope- these are the rules:
1. You have to stand like a hot girl, duh (see pictures)
2. You can't bite, hit, or punch people.
3. You have to be nice.
4. When a Hot Boy walks by you have to look at him like you want to marry him.
So, no this isn't the newest craze- just something that Julianna and her friends have made up. But she is very into it. Everything is "hot girl" this and "hot girl" that.
We have had a really nice week. Tonight is Valentine's Day, but Jason has class- so we enjoyed a romantic dinner of hot dogs and baked beans. I will probably gorge on candy later and watch Law & Order- sounds like the perfect night to me.
And to all of you that want pregnancy updates- things are going really well. I feel great, getting bigger everyday. I have gone to maternity clothes and I am not looking back- I love them. The pants are amazing. Today marks the last day of the 1st trimester (according to my journal). I have been eating about 20 peperocini peppers at lunch each day- can't get enough of them. I don't know if that is "normal" but I did read that Halle Berry also craves them (and she is pregnant too). At least it isn't chocolate milkshakes!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


We're back!!! So sorry to all of you that look forward to the Julianna blogs. The past couple months I have not had the energy to make dinner, clean, much less do a blog- but we are hitting the 2nd trimester and we are back!!!
Last week we got a note from Julianna's teacher, Mrs. Johnson, that Julianna was receiving a special award in Chapel this week. But it was a surprise- so Jason and I didn't say anything all week. This morning I went to Goosie's school and waited for her in the Chapel- she was very surprised to see me. She said "Mommy, why are you here?" I just shrugged my shoulders- I didn't want to give it away. The classes and the parents sang about 3 praise songs (the kids danced to them). Then it was time for the T-K classes to get up and perform a song that they had been practicing. I was "Jailhouse Rock"- about Paul and Saul. She has been singing the song (with the moves) all week. After that Mrs. Johnson got up and presented Julianna with a certificate of gentleness. Mrs. Johnson said that Julianna has such a gentle spirit and that she is so kind. I thought that "gentleness" was such a neat word to describe her. As a parent I would describe her as kind, loving, funny, smart, goofy- many things but I so appreciate that her teacher notices something new and special. We will always remember today- the day our girl was recognized for her gentleness.