Wednesday, September 10, 2008

3 Week Checkup!

All went well today at Ansley's three week checkup with Dr. Williams. We LOVE Dr. Williams! Ansley is now 7 lbs. 10 oz. and 21 1/4 inches. All that eating is paying off. She is growing so fast. It is amazing that she is already 23 days old. The first night home seemed to last a year, and now the past two weeks have flown by. I am having so much fun getting to know her and spending time with her (and obviously taking pictures).
Julianna is doing really well. She is loving kindergarten. She has a new friend that she has been talking about for a week now, but she didn't remember her name. Today, the first thing that she told me when she walked in the door was "Mom, her name is Bella." She was excited that she had remembered it. She wakes up ready for school (no moodiness) and tells me all about her day when she gets home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ansley is so stinking cute!!! I have been showing Dawson the blog and he loves to see her pictures...he keeps telling me that he loves having an Ansley like he does a Lauren.....not sure when he is going to realize they aren't toys =) We can't wait to meet her in person. Give the girls kisses for us, especially my all grown up one! Lots of Love - TT