Julianna is doing well. She is getting excited about her birthday and Christmas. This weekend we are going to decorate the house (a little early, but we are celebrating next week with the family). We have decided on a sleepover birthday party for the big girl. I guess we will have pizza and Julianna wants to decorate cookies- since she doesn't like cake. It should be fun. Daddy will have to stay in the bonus room with them since the room isn't really attached to the house. I would like to be a fly on the wall that evening!
Julianna is really learning a lot in school and we are practicing reading and spelling at home. The past week we have focused on words that have an "oo" or an "ee" in them. We say the word and she spells it for us. I may be biased, but I think that she is really smart! She really loves learning which is wonderful. At night when I read her story I hold Ansley and we read together. Ansley just watches and listens- unbelievable! Mom says that she will be reading by the time she is two years old if I keep reading to her. Right now I am not concerned with having a genius- just a baby that sleeps through the night and takes a bottle!
oh, and I am finally admitting that the baby looks JUST LIKE her daddy...
Love the pictures! Love,
We loved our visit with you in October 2008, but our visits are too short, indeed. Would love to have The Zak family with us in Florida in April 2009 around Easter time. We trim our tree with Easter Goodies for the little ones. The O Family would love for all to be together when they stay in Saddlebrook. They will be there April 3 to 15, 2009. I will be there too. Lots of room for all. Love,
Sounds like you are having lots of fun! I love reading up on what is going on with you guys. Have fun decorating for Christmas. (I plan to begin my decorating Thanksgiving night.)
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