Well, we have been doing really well at the Zak household. Julianna is reading and getting smarter than her daddy everyday. Ansley is trying to crawl, although using her head to push herself around seems a bit odd.
Nanni, Papa, Tara, Dawson, and Lauren came for a visit a couple weeks ago. We took the kids to Portrait Innovations to have their pictures taken. The kids did such a great job. Of course, after we spent all afternoon with the kids and spent way too much on pictures, we had to buy frames for them. So I finally have pictures of my girls hanging in the house. We have been in the house for almost 2 years, and only had 1 picture hanging. I changed that last week. We now have pictures everywhere! I love it.
Last week Julianna went to Build a Bear Workshop and got a black dog named Snowflake. Now her favorite animal is dogs- not sure that she will ever have one in real life, but we will let her have the stuffed kind. She got a much needed haircut yesterday from Jason's barber. I know, a barber? But it turned out really cute.
Ansley is doing well. She went to the doctor twice this week. Once for shots and the next day for a cough and suspected ear infection. Her ears were perfectly clear though! She just pulls on them when she is tired when she scratches her head. She now weighs 14.9 pounds. She is an itty bitty. The doctor said that she should be drinking 24 ounces a day, but to get that much in her is a struggle. She is way too busy to eat. I am questioning if she is really my baby.